the possibilities
We learned that the skin is made up of fascia in Part 1 of this blog series, and that with palpation like FasciaBlasting to the tissue we can increase stem cell proliferation in the dermis Part 2. In Part 3 we learned that the stem cells in the dermis can function together as a network to produce collagen, and truly prove skin regeneration. Stay with me here, it’s getting good! The results researchers found AT the SKIN could potentially be coming from BELOW the skin, or at least work in tandem. The research on stem cells reservoirs is AMAZING, but what if it’s not from pressure of the skin, but rather pressure or blasting of the fascia, OR BOTH? Skin is made of fascia, as we learned in the first blog, but right below the skin is… guess what? MORE FASCIA! You can see in the animated pic below that there is a layer of structural fascia at the base of the skin, just like what we see when we open a piece of fried chicken and see the silky membrane beneath the skin. (🥦 🥬 Sorry my vegan friends!) The fascia continues, not only in layers like icing on a cake, but penetrates through the muscles and other structures! Fascia is EVERYWHERE!

By George, I Think We’ve Got It!

I find that the most exciting thing about the skin research on stem cell reservoirs is that it totally aligns with, and completely supports the research we have done on FasciaBlasting. What they saw at the surface ––skin regeneration–– is what we saw below the surface–– tissue regeneration. They go together like peas and carrots!
Just in case we need clarity here, “tissue” refers to the soft tissue structures. Soft tissue is defined as, “muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, nerves, fibrous tissues, fat, blood vessels, and synovial membranes.” This is interesting to me because synovial membranes and fibrous tissues ARE fascia, and the remaining structures of soft tissue are penetrated and surrounded BY fascia. So, it’s pretty safe to say that when we refer to tissue, we are talking largely about the fascia. This will help you as you do your own research, whenever the term “tissue” pops up, you will be better apt for your own personal understanding of the medical jargon. What we saw, in the ultrasound images from our peer reviewed and published study was, drumroll please 🥁 TISSUE REGENERATION!* So piggybacking the skin research, we saw the same thing–– the tissue below the skin was showing signs of regeneration with FasciaBlasting. Tissue when it is “damaged” is thick, unorganized and mangled, which you can see in the “before” ultrasound. Then after 90 days of FasciaBlasting, you can see the tissue is realigned, rehydrated and REGENERATED.
(See image above).
THEIR research

our research

Click on the video to see the animation of fascia slowly becoming damaged, and how the FasciaBlaster brushes through the fascia, reorganizing it and setting off the chain reaction for regeneration.
Layer by Layer Animation
The 1-2 Punch 👊
By bridging these studies, we can better understand how our users get the amazing results they do. People constantly question whether our before and after pics are even the same person. We get asked why their skin seems to have slightly changed shade, or how old scarring and patterns of fascia dysfunction are completely reversed? Now we know! The beauty aspects are simply a wonderful byproduct of doing something incredibly healthy for our tissue!

My diet did not change much and to be honest. I mostly blasted in the bathtub, sometimes in the shower, with shower gel. I use the face blaster on my whole body. I spend about 5 minutes per area and focus on one area at a time, but do my whole body. I blast about 3 to 5 times per week. I didn’t have Ashley’s oils and creams at this time, but I started using them and blasting in the sauna after this and HOLY MOLY. Game changer. In addition to blasting, I did the heartbutt exercises 3 to 5 times per week and about 100 squats every other day. The difference in weight between the 1st and 3rd picture is about 10 pounds.
We all should celebrate, because the power is literally in our own hands! You can stop looking for the solution everyone, it's here! I believe that one day the critical mass will accept FasciaBlasting as a solution for tissue regeneration, but right now, even with scientific evidence, I think people often find it too simple an answer. The good news is, you can make FasciaBlasting part of your daily routine now. The days, months and years will thank you for it! #BlasterForLife
Stay tuned for next week’s blog where I take you on a journey of capillaries at the skin level, and reveal why I invented a skin tightening serum.

Model Toni Garrn has been working with Black for three years. ” I love the immediate results,” Garrn says. “My legs got smoother and smaller right away. It’s like magic.”